Whether or not our planet suffers a great planetary catastrophe in this decade, this century, or beyond, this is not the deciding factor of the covert war we face daily.
Perhaps World War III? .. not.
My God! If not that than what is? What could be more horrific than that? Aliens from outer space?
That question; at least is directed to the right source.
New Living Translation (?2007)
Revelation 7:1-3
Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea, or even on any tree.
And I saw another angel coming up from the east, carrying the seal of the living God. And he shouted to those four angels, who had been given power to harm land and sea,
"Wait! Don't harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants."
Angels appear to hold the fate of our world in their grasp. Could it be?
By (releasing) the four winds so they (did blow) on the earth (and) the sea, (and) even on the trees..
So.. what .. we'd have a windy day?
(WIND) in a Bible Prophecy or Vision represents something more than a windy day.. Symbolswww.pacinst.com
prevention of the obliteration of our world. .. for how long?
Prophetic Symbols
Beast, Horns, Heads
Pure Woman, Virgin
Prophetic Meaning
Kings, Kingdoms, Nations
War, Strife
True Church.. Christ's Bride
False Church
Did you ever hear of Gematria? Decoding numbers. Try decoding 666
WIND. In Bible Prophecy, Jeremiah 25:32,33 shows that winds represent war and strife.
War. (self explanatory)
Strife: discord, (lack of agreement or harmony) (bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension) ref.
Angels are preventing war and strife.. the magnitude of which would obliterate our world. .. for how long?
The vision of John answers, "..until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants."
..again.. another symbol. The forehead is is where your thoughts originate.
Interesting. That's one of the places where the mark of the beast gets placed on the last generation of mankind as we know it. So perhaps; the seal of God is an intangible characteristic of man, Loyalty perhaps? And so likewise; a "mark of the beast" would effect thoughts; however loyalty would be in opposition to the seal of God.
Freedom of thought precedes freedom of choice.
Is that what this whole war is about? Freedom of choice? Freedom to choose? Wasn't that the principle in question by Satan in the Garden of Eden? The consequences of exercising freedom of choice?
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 1 of 6
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 2 of 6
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 3 of 6
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 4 of 6
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 5 of 6
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 6 of 6
Denver Airport questions in writing.
(1) Why the picture of a military man killing a white dove?
(2) Why the freemason symbol and the "New World" on the capstone?
(3) What are the translations of the writings on the floors of DIA?
(4) Are there any underground facilities at or around DIA?
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5