I found this picture of some evidence taken from that site at this website:
Free Christian Teaching - Petrified Wood from Noah?s Ark (opens a new window)
Let me share this with you: Work of discovery: Richard Rives didn't meet Ron Wyatt until around 1990 I think. However, he carried the progress forward after Ron died. This metal is from the same site where the wood was found.
- pbatusa
Wyatt Archeological Research - (opens a new window)
Richard Rives, having become acquainted with an international corporation which specialized in metallurgy, made arrangements for the "rivet" to be analyzed in their laboratory.
Careful analyses was performed on the specimen. Samples were analyzed from what appeared to be the washer around the head of the rivet, and from an area 1 cm. away
from the washer.
The 4 analyses they ran showed that location 1 yielded a 1.88% and 1.97% carbon content while location 2 yielded a .14% and .13% amount. The scientists involved in the analysis made the following notation in their report:
" It is interesting to note that location 1 (presumably fossilized timber members) was found to contain much higher carbon (1.9%) than location 2 (presumably fossilized metal."
==== short observation of the sequence: "history" I've read that Ron made over 100 trips to the middle-east on various expeditions.
September 1960
Twenty seven year-old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read the following article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation at an elevation of about 6,350 feet, in the mountains of Ararat. Not on Mt. Ararat, but in the mountains of Ararat about 12 miles from the summit of Mt. Ararat.
August 1977
Ron Wyatt traveled to Turkey and personally examined the "boat shaped object" shown in the Life Magazine article.
An earthquake causes the soil surrounding the "boat shaped object" to fall away, exposing as much as thirty feet of the sides.
August 11, 1979
Ron Wyatt returned to the site. What he saw, after the earthquake "looked like a giant shipwreck."
Evenly spaced indentations could be seen all the way around the object, which "looked like decaying rib timbers.. "Rib Timbers", What appeared to be "horizontal deck support timbers" were observed at consistent intervals. "Horizontal Deck Support Timbers"
The earthquake had also cracked the object from "stem to stern" and Ron was able to take samples from deep within. Samples of material outside of the object were also taken for comparison. Ron measured the object finding it to be 515 feet long. 512 feet, plus 3 feet, the length of a section that had broken off.
300 Royal Egyptian cubits = 515 feet. The unit of measurement that Moses, who wrote the Book of Genesis, would have been familiar with was the Royal Egyptian Cubit. This is the same unit of measurement used in the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. This cubit was employed until at least the time of King Solomon as gates constructed by him, in Israel, are based on this unit of measurement.
June/July 1985
Ron Wyatt, Dave Fassold and John Baumgardner surveyed the site with metal detectors and located a specimen which had the appearance of "wrought iron."
It was reported by Dave Fassold that the semi -quantitative analysis of the iron samples, which was arranged by John Baumgardner, found them to contain from 60 percent to 91.84 percent FE2O3. Subsurface radar scans were performed at the site revealing a boat shaped structure below the surface.
August 1986
Joe Rosetta, vice-president of Geophysical Survey Systems, reviews the sub-surface radar scans. His conclusion: "This is not a natural object. The reflections are occurring too periodic for it to be a natural type interface." "You'd never see anything like this in natural geology.... Some human made this structure, whatever it is."
February 1987
Ron meets with the Governor of the Agri District, Mr. Sevket Ekinci. The December 1986 decision was positive - it was the official decision of members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of Internal Affairs, and researchers from Ataturk University, among others, that the "boat-shaped formation" did indeed contain the remains of Noah's Ark!
June 20, 1987
After the ceremony, Governor Ekinci asked Ron to do a radar scan on the site to demonstrate for the journalists the ability of sub-surface radar to reveal structures beneath the surface.
After making several passes with the Radar, Ron noted, in an area commonly associated with "deck timber", one particular reading very near the surface. The Governor then ordered one of the soldiers to dig at the location Ron had indicated and there emerged an artifact approximately 18 inches long which was labeled "deck timber".
The excavation of the object was documented by way of film and aired throughout Turkey by way of TRT (Turkish Radio and Television). The Governor presented Ron with the specimen for the purpose of analysis in the United States.
September 16, 1987
Laboratory analysis was performed on artifact labeled "deck timber". Galbraith Labs in Knoxville, Tennessee tested samples taken from within the "formation' and from without. All of the laboratory procedures were videotaped, including the taking the sample from the specimen, and the actual execution of the analyses.
Results of "inside" "outside" analysis:
The sample outside the formation showed a 1.88% carbon content; but the one from inside yielded a 4.95% carbon content, an amount that was consistent with the presence of prior living matter, such as decayed or petrified wood. It also showed a surprisingly high iron content.
The following video is corny.. and yes - there is a lot of squishy "believe in Bible account" suggestions and hints.. but beyond that something rings true:
(What about the evidence?) That is just evidence; not disputable. Where is the scientific test results? from the non-creationist scientists community? Are they banned from access? This is not a challenge; just a question? I want to know the answer. And I don't like lies or propaganda; So I'll keep looking. pbatusa
Discovery of the real Noah's Ark Part 1 channel ( jamesjpn )
note: pbatusa is not superstitious, does not believe in the Spaghetti Monster and believes the earthquake of 1978 happened for a reason.
In Search of Noah's Ark
1:35:22 - 3 years ago
An investigation into the theory that Mt. Ararat in Turkey is the final resting place of Noah's Ark. SUBTERRANEAN CINEMA http://subcin.com THE SUBTERRANEAN COLLECTION http://subcin.com/subvid.html