Time is of the essence
You?ve heard it before - time is short
What does it mean? Usually, if a preacher is talking, and says, ?time is short,? it probably means (you) have a short time to (be) (see) or (do) something that the preacher is speaking on.
I was told; time is short. A whisper. A suggestion. A warning. A subtle admonition. The preachers? hand on my forehead. The prayer; I did not hear.. The content; I did not perceive.. The admonition, I did. I was supposed to fall-back so some of the ushers could catch me. I was at the alter with a group from the congregation, and one was praying directly for me. I did not fall back, and the preacher moved on to the next person..
Time is short. This remained insignificant to me for twenty-four hours.. (That would be up until now; as-I-write.) I am not claiming right or wrong. I am not saying ?I? am right or wrong. I?m not saying the preacher is/was right or wrong. I AM saying, ?now I get it??
The time for the churches (is of the essence). There is a message for them and it is up to the churches to pursue the open door to receive this message. They need to hear it. They are not required to accept it. However, in my analogy, I was supposed to fall-back so some of the ushers could catch me? The churches are not required to fall-back? I was at the alter with a group from the congregation, ? the churches? leadership have messengers in the congregation, and the messengers are praying directly for the leadership.
Reference Isaiah 53:1
There is window available for a short time, (says the preacher) and you must ?accept? during this time (says the preacher.)
I say, there is a window available to the churches for a message. I am a messenger. I only pray that the message I have is of God and not of me. Refer to 1st Corinthians 12:14 and Revelation 14:12
A prediction and preparation for the 1st coming of Jesus.
Reference Isaiah 53:8 ?.. and who shall declare His generation??
A prediction and preparation for the 2nd coming of Jesus.
I submit to you, ?.. and who shall the last generation declare??
I believe those of Revelation 14:1″.. having his Father?s name written in their foreheads?? (which is in direct contrast to receiving ?a mark? in their foreheads from the one who speaks like the dragon of Revelation 13:16) are the ones.
I believe those of Revelation 14:1 will be the ones to declare His return, and witness His return without ever seeing death.
1st Corinthians 15:51
A name or a mark, a name or a mark? Which shall it be? God?s people in the last generation on Earth will say; ?We want the seal of God. We want His name in our forehead.?
What is the seal? How do we get this name in our forehead? How will others know we have this seal? How will they know our name?
We know this much: Revelation 13:18 ?Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.?
Where is the verse that tells us the direct contrast to receiving ?a mark? in the forehead? Is it a chip from God? Are we immune to it? Are we removed from earth before this crisis happens? Or, is it the way the last generation lives, and is it the One the last generation worships? And is it He who recognizes them; as the last generation. And is it their very life on earth that is the contrast the 666 number of a man? And is it the world who hears them sing ?a new song? that no man can learn except for the One Hundred and forty and four thousand?? Revelation 14:3
And is this the reason Jesus has not already returned? Is He waiting for the Devil to reveal the anti-christ? Or is God waiting for a generation of His people to reveal this?
Reference Isaiah 53:8 ?.. and who shall declare His generation??
Does this verse apply to me? Or is it just a history lesson. After all, He is coming again.
Perhaps, I am perishable, and that?s the reason that time is short.
Perhaps the scroll is perishable and will dissipate if not opened.
Perhaps the message is an opportunity of circumstance, and when that opportunity fades, so does the potency of the message.
I believe there is an appointed time when Jesus will come back for us. But I don?t believe this appointed time is based on any calendar. I believe it is based on events. I believe we can instigate events in the name of God; to haste His coming. I believe that is what he is waiting for. But if we don?t do this? then we won?t have a unity of faith and we won?t be the last generation. 1st Corinthians 15:51
I know there will be a unity of faith when Jesus comes back. Because mankind will either have a mark of the dragon, or a seal of our God. That is when He says ?it is finished.?
Daniel 12:4 .. ?seal the book until the time of the end ..?
Can we open it? Is the writing is on the wall?. Daniel 5:5,6
In my analogy, I did not fall back, (when the preacher prayed for me) ? and the preacher moved on to the next person..
Will this scroll of thoughts be opened? Only time will tell.
.. on essence and the scroll of thoughts..
Time is of the essence..
One definition of ?essence.?
Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity.
Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/essence
Now? I found this definition just now - on the internet, just to qualify my thought and sentence: Definition of essence.
Time is of the essence.
I interpret this as follows: The scroll of thoughts, by nature is a spiritual or incorporeal entity.
So, I look it up on the internet as-we-speak..
Incorporeal or uncarnate means without the nature of a body or substance. The idea of incorporeality refers to the notion that there is an incorporeal realm or place, that is distinct from the corporeal or material world. Incorporeal beings are not made out of matter in the way a physical, material being exists. The idea of the immaterial is often used in reference to God or the Divine. God has at times been carefully defined as the Prime Mover or First Cause that exists in an incorporeal or intelligible realm that transcends both space and time, especially in the physical realm.
Source: en.wikipedia.org
How will we know when time's-up? Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin .. could it apply in our generation?
March 20th, 2009 by pbatus