Here is a question for you:::;
If you call your boss and he never answers the
phone;;; Is he still your boss?
Well ... are you still receiving a pay-check?
.. with that logic in mind;
If I talk to God and he never answers; is he still my Creator?
Well .. are you still breathing the breath-of-life?
My point is: pbatus.. a new kind of president .. We don't need a leader; we already have one. God.
We just need someone to take the wheel of America and get back on the road ...
--> i don't have a platform.. I don't even wear shoes if I can help it.
On legeslation:
No federal law will be passed without a vote from the America citizen. A majority vote will pass the law.
On voting:
It will be done on a Ipad55.
Your finger print will be used to verify the vote.
It you don't have any fingers, or finger prints? ..
You will need to secure one from a tatoo parlor, some plastic surgeon, or just provide dna samples for personal identification using the obamacare program.
The salaries of all government employees will be voted on.. by the America people;
- since they are the ones paying for it.
I will hire one college student from every college in America. They are to represent the future of our country and are tasked with proposing our direction. If effective ideas come from them? ; the American people will vote on it before any solution is adopted.
... We may be voting once a week. .. If American Idol can do it; so can America.
For example:
* On war; we're not a police-state of the world. And we don't fight for free; we fight for freedom.
* On national defense? Any threat from outside countries will be met with the will of the American people. Via a vote to forgive, compromise, or destroy them.
* On our Finances? There will be a year of Jubilee every seven years. This isn't a new concept.
All debt will be forgiven every seven years. No exceptions Period.
- If the banks and lenders oppose this? Then stop lending money. Usery sucks anyway. Fiat money will be vaporized.
* Coins will be generated from the US mints.. There will be no more paper money or paper notes.
The Federal reserve will be under the same laws as any other commercially owned private organization.
-If the American consumer wants to purcahse products "online"? Manual Gold transfer can be adopted.
This also supports "job creation" for those companies or individuals you hire to transport your gold.
The Barter system will be accepted everywhere - however Gold will be the standard.
Exports will require either barter or gold as payment; as will imports.
Flat (sales tax of 10%) will be expected; nationwide. 5% for the state and 5% for the federal government.
There will be no income tax and no minimum wage. There will be no insurance on anything. Medical coverage? Ask your doctor if health is right for you. If it is, then have-it-done.
The federal government is not your Nanny.
If you are too old to work, or to produce anything, or if you're homeless or simply don't want to work,
then apply for a position with the Federal Government. We'll get back to you.
- Perhaps you have a family, and if you don't perhaps you could be adopted;
and if you can't, perhaps you could change your plans...
either get younger, get a family, get off your butt, or pray to your Creator for a person of mercy.
We have churches... such as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches,
many non denominational churches, many non profit churches, and all of these will play a larger role in our country.
The federal government is not your Nanny.
* All stock trading will cease toi exist. Going away with the fiat money --- no need for scooper's of fake money.
* Criminals will be prosecuted by Judges who will be "elected" by the American citezens.. not appointed from some elite club.
The judges will be elected from the communities from which they work.
On job creation: The federal government will Hire 10,000 of the best business accountants we can find for 1 year
--> actually they will be hired to work on the Federal Budget
--> On Federal Budget cutting:
--> We are Donating the scapel to the Obama-care program. .. or, for the museum of disfunctional promises.
--> I am requesting a "cost-breakdown" to reveal all govm't purchases
and spending from the those best finacial accountants we just hired.
- If a cost breakdown cannot be produced - as-to "where the money" has been-or- will be "spent";
it will be cut from the federal budget - period. no exceptions.
Once a cost break-down IS delivered; it will be published for the world to see.
And if the American citizens don't like it? That program or expense line-item will be removed from the budget.
If there is concern about published the results of a cost breakdown; say for example; National Security?
Well; that will be removed from the budget. We don't need concealed weapons. We want our power to be obvious.
On stimulus: coin operated elevators in all govm't blds
--> actually helps revenue generation for govmt budgets
--> actually helps to promote good health through excersize if people opt to use the stairs.
--> actually create jobs (for privately owned elevator companies) to collect the coins on energy: solar generators:
To relieve some of the cost of electricity, a stimulous package will be created in the amout of 1 billion dollars.
Every person with a finger-print and is a citizen of the USA can redeem an 1800 watt solar generator capable of producing
the same amount of power as a typical 15 amp circuit in a home.
- This can reduce the cost of electricity for the people who live in a house or apartment.
- For the homeless: I ask the solor generator companies to hire them to increase the size of your
manufacturing; as we're gonna be purchasing alot of solar generators.
Eventually; we can run most households exclusivly on solar power.
Please note: If you don't have any fingers, or finger prints to vote with? .. You will need to
secure one from a tatoo parlor, some plastic surgeon, or just provide dna samples for personal identification
using the remnant of the obamacare program.
About me:
I didn't serve in Vietnam - I was a submariner and went to the north Pole; then Russian coastline
I never lived in Hawaii
I don't have any oil wells
I'm not affiliated with Illuminati, Builderberg, or Fox News
I am not a millionaire.
If there are seven billion people on earth interested in becoming a U.S. citizen? you can. We will be offering virtual citizenship to the human race.
Our nation is not in decline; just our way of governing.
I feel for those hearts that have been crushed... again ...
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5