Double Standards |
If you're going to do something for one country, why not do it for your own?
Oh wait .. you're not from here ... I forgot ..
ASK Not what you can do for your country. Scheme on what your country can do for you!
Well; not that your loyal to it anyway. Free education. Free health care. Free retirement plans. Free housing. Free food. Free pay checks.. If you don't get on the dole; somebody else will .... so ...
Sabotage and Instigate |
Q. What's better than firing missiles to protect the civilian?
A. Find out why they are protesting and mediate or else stay out-of-it.
One day the S.F.49r's were playing football against the New York Jets. The fans didn't like the way the game was going, so, the National Basket Ball Association.. (NBA?) came in and destroyed the goal line for the 49r's... so that the opposing team could no longer score.
Problem: At the end of the quarter; the teams switch sides and the Jets scored again. Go figure?
Moral: We can't fight a spiritual war with bullets.. or Tomahawk Missiles.
Flickers of Al Qaeda?
When Republicans own the Whitehouse:
Democratic leadership says,
"The Patriot Act is evil!"
Democrats Threaten Patriot Act
Oct 31, 2006
This year alone, the Democrats overwhelmingly voted five times to kill the Patriot Act. When that didn't work, they filibustered. ...
When Democrats own the Whitehouse:
Democratic leadership says,
"The Patriot Act is good!"
Democrats vote to renew Patriot Act
Feb 27, 2010
With almost no debate, the Democratic leadership in Congress pushed through an unamended extension of the USA Patriot Act's most notorious ...
Muslim Brotherhood and Israel: a Natural alignment? |
Obama: Israel shouldn't be afraid of changes in Mideast
03/05/2011 19:27
Speaking to Jewish donors in Miami, US president says forces emerging in Egypt should be naturally aligned with Israel.
"I worry about going too fast towards elections, that the parties are still weak," said Nabil Ahmed Helmy, former dean of the Zagazig University law school in Egypt and a member of the National Council for Human Rights.
"The only thing left right now is the Muslim Brotherhood.
I do think that people are trying to take over the revolution."
Read more:
Americans' tax dollars supports drilling off the coast of Brazil? |
It appears that IER?s educational campaign has finally begun to change President Obama?s mind, for over the weekend he called for increased offshore drilling as a way to promote American energy security and bolster the nation?s economy.
The only hitch is that Obama was talking about Brazilian offshore drilling. Needless to say, we applaud the president?s sensible recognition of the benefits of increased energy supplies, and only wish he would let American companies do the same with domestic resources.
.. wish he would let American companies do the same? ..
hope for change..
"We have abundant energy resources off Louisiana's coast, but this administration has virtually shut down our offshore industry and instead is using Americans' tax dollars to support drilling off the coast of Brazil," Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said in a statement. "It's ridiculous to ignore our own resources and continue going hat-in-hand to countries like Saudi Arabia and Brazil to beg them to produce more oil."
In Brazil We Trust - by the same token, |
Obama, Our Man in Brazil
Here is the relevant excerpt from Obama?s address last Saturday to the CEO Business Summit in Brasilia, Brazil:
We want to partner with Brazil?on the issue of energy, which is why President Rousseff and I?agreed to launch a Strategic Energy Dialogue. By some estimates, the oil you recently discovered off the shores of Brazil could amount to twice the reserves we have in the United States. We want to work with you. We want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you?re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers. At a time when we?ve been reminded how easily instability in other parts of the world can affect the price of oil, the United States could not be happier with the potential for a new, stable source of energy.
The president is right: It is reassuring to know that there are massive deposits of oil off the coast of Brazil, which can continue to fuel the world economy. But by the same token, the president and his administration should be ?happy? to see the development of American offshore reserves?you know, the ones for which drilling permits cannot be obtained. Conservative estimates put the reserves of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf at 86 billion barrels of oil.
American companies don't need to send jobs overseas. Obama is doing that for them:
Although he says this: Oct 16, 2010 ... Says Companies Should Not Be Rewarded for Moving Jobs Out of U.S.; ... .
No Tax cuts for the rich & Evil Corporations must Go! |
Barack Obama on Tax Reform
Feb 26, 2009 ... So, in effect, what Obama calls a tax cut would be keeping taxes for those ... Tax cut for 95% of all working families, not corporations ...
Barack Obama on Corporations
Dec 7, 2008 ... We both cut taxes; but McCain offers $200B to corporations. McCAIN: I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income. Sen. Obama ...
Obama Wants to End Tax Breaks for Companies that Move Jobs Overseas Oct 16, 2010 ... How dare Obama think of making the big glorious companies pay their way? Can not believe that anyone would object to this. A tax break for ... - Cached
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Nearly $200 billion in tax cuts to corporations, even if they do not invest ... Does not include impact of health plans. Obama tax savings is conservative; ...
Obama's $200 billion Tax Problem: What Will Companies Buy? - The ...
Sep 8, 2010 ... But no matter how you price it, the proposed business tax cut that Obama announces today has the potential to offer the biggest boost to the ...
Why Obama Is Proposing Whopping Corporate Tax Cuts, and Why He's ...
Sep 7, 2010 ... The tax cuts will give corporations more money to bribe Obama and ..... tax cuts for corporations will not generate jobs because there is no ...
Obama: End Tax Breaks That Send Jobs Overseas - CBS News
Oct 16, 2010 ... Says Companies Should Not Be Rewarded for Moving Jobs Out of U.S.; ... while Obama wants to extend the tax cuts only for the middle class ...
Obama's Tax Cut for Rich Oil Companies - By Kevin D. Williamson ...
Oct 22, 2010 ... ?It's not just a reduction in somebody's tax rate ? it's an actual ... tax cut for some of the most profitable multinational corporations in ...
No tax cuts for firms outsourcing jobs: Obama - The Economic Times
Feb 25, 2009 ... No tax cuts for firms outsourcing jobs: Obama ... of fairness and balance to our tax code by finally ending the tax breaks for corporations ...
Obama: End Tax Breaks To Stop Overseas Hiring
Oct 16, 2010 ... Obama has said he wants revenue collected from ending the tax ..... There's really no point in tax breaks for corporations of any kind, ...
Published on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 by
Why Obama Is Proposing Whopping Corporate Tax Cuts, and Why He?s Wrong
by Robert Reich
President Obama reportedly will propose two big corporate tax cuts this week.
One would expand and make permanent the research and experimentation tax credit, at a cost of about $100 billion over the next ten years. The other would allow companies to write off 100 percent of their new investments in plant and equipment between now and the end of 2011 at a cost next year of substantially more than $100 billion (but a ten-year cost of about $30 billion since those write-offs wouldn't be taken over the longer-term).
On "World News" we looked at how the company run by the president's "Competitiveness and Jobs" council chairman -- GE -- paid no taxes on $14 billion in profits.
Sorry certain rich entities just 'contribute' to certain politicans and then they don't have pay taxes. So what is all this nonsense about raising taxes on the "rich"?
No Taxes for GE - Political Punch
Mar 25, 2011 ... On "World News" we looked at how the company run by the president's "Competitiveness and Jobs" council chairman -- GE -- paid no taxes on ...
GE, Exxon Paid No U.S. Income Taxes in 2009 - ABC News
Apr 6, 2010 ... GE paid no income taxes to the U.S. government last year in part because of GE Capital's hefty losses; Exxon's $15 billion in tax dollars ... ? Money ? Tax Center
GE: 7000 tax returns, $0 U.S. tax bill - Apr. 16, 2010
Apr 16, 2010 ... GE isn't the only "Top 5" company on this year's Fortune 500 list that owed no income taxes. Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), ...
# USA Today
No Taxes for GE
10 hours ago
On "World News" we looked at how the company run by the president's "Competitiveness and Jobs" council chairman -- GE -- paid no taxes on $14 billion in ...
ABC News (blog)
General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010
ABC News
GE, Exxon Paid No Taxes in '09
Apr 7, 2010 ... That left GE (GE, Fortune 500) with no U.S. profit left for Uncle Sam to tax. Corporations typically face a 35% federal income tax on their ... ? Home ? Blogs ? Staff Blogs
G.E. paid no taxes on $5.1 billion in profits - Yahoo! News
Mar 25, 2011 ... As Washington worries about the United States' growing deficit problem, there's mounting evidence the government is failing to collect taxes ...
GE Pays No Taxes - The Daily Beast
Mar 26, 2011 ... Something to think about as tax day nears: General Electric is so good at doing their taxes, the government pays them. In 2010, the company ...
GE Pays No Taxes - Taxes - Fox Nation
Mar 25, 2011 ... GE Pays No Taxes. Fire it up. 134. Tweet. Share. AP Graphic. By David Kocieniewski, NYT. General Electric, the nation's largest corporation, ...
GE: All Profit, No Taxes | The Big Picture
Mar 25, 2011 ... Today's must read article is a NYT piece about the amazing non-profit tax-paying entity known as GE. Yet another reason why you don't ...
GE Paid No Taxes in 2010 Despite Making $5.1 Billion in Profits ...
GE Paid No Taxes in 2010 Despite Making $5.1 Billion in Profits. Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, March 25, 2011, 12:08 PM. What are friends for? ...
The Reaction: General Electric pays no taxes
Mar 25, 2011 ... General Electric pays no taxes. By Michael J.W. Stickings. You might want to sit down for this one. The Times is reporting that General ...