My intuition says, "Identify current Youtube" videos by common people with a clear message and visit them in person and interview them on their video. If possible."
My intuition says, "Visit some places where there is controversy over evidence of creationism. like museums, archaeological sites and interview some professionals on those artifacts."
My intuition says, "Visit some sites where there are fossils of giants."
My intuition says, "Talk to a Shaman, (I know one) a Jesuit priest, and a Christian Leader who is willing to discuss the World Council of Churches."
p.s.. I've done all of this listed above - from the keyboard of my lap top. But you can't make a motion picture from my basement.
= = =
Dear Walt,
(agenda) .. Hi Walt. The Agenda: I consider it a tool for my mission. My mission is to verbalize thoughts that keep replaying in my head. There is a gift: It's called "Discerning Spirits" and I think I have it. The curious part of it? There's a lot of different variations of just what a "spirit is" and what they "do".. So, I have a gift or a certain flavor of it. It's relevant to lies that the pied piper uses to lead people off the edge of a cliff. Have I perfected it? No. I get hit with falling bricks all the time. That's why my head looks bent. It is bent...
My "mission" therefore, is to propagate the truth in front of the twisted conclusions people hold as "ethical" and "moral" as well as dispel "myths" that are viewed as fact. The reason to do this? The pied piper is leading our world to self destruction through every means at his disposal; which includes weapons of mass destruction; propaganda and N.L.P.. Although; he doesn't want to kill (all) of us. He wants to retain the best for entertainment purposes. His entertainment.
So my "mission" requires a "method". And the only method-of-least-resistance seems to be surrounded by my means. A website, a blog, some videos and some passion. The method I've chosen as a goal is a motion picture. God didn't choose that. He just chose me to be a warrior in the spiritual war here on earth; that's why he gave me that gift. At least; that my understanding of it. So a video that dispels a lie and opens the mind to something of value and alerts the viewer to truth is the agenda's purpose. To destroy darkness. That can only be done with light.
(decide "content.") If the content is based on the agenda which is engaged to accomplish the goal that succeeds in the mission then: we're in trouble.
I don't like politics and I don't like religion. Unfortunately; these two concepts are reality and they are also directly connected; both in God's Bible and in humanity. In prophecy and in history. They are inseparable. In secularism, to the theists and to the atheist. So, we have to deal with them both. That content is so enormous we have to choose our battles. Question: What can make the largest impact with the least amount of resources?
I have a few suggestions. Pick for example; Noah's Ark. I've done some research on that. And it appears there are artifacts in Tennessee of it. A museum; even. from the 60's. Trees with no rings. Bolts of iron.. petrified wood. And an Ark in Turkey.
There's a current agenda to poison mankind with designer drugs for diseases of which there are already cures. So.. why suppress the cure? and peddle the drug?
There's a current agenda to eliminate America as we know it.
There's an ongoing agenda to destroy Christianity.
See what I am saying? One video; to cover it all? That would take like- ten years.
A good source? Atheist debates. They bring out a lot of conclusions that are based on the results of Propaganda and NLP. And the atheist has sharp weapons. Good practice for a newbie-spiritual warrior like myself.
A good source? Interview the people who presented the facts that I read in the above; like for example: staff at Noah's Ark. museum, poison mankind with designer drugs(utuber) ...
A good source? What's current in the news: (usually a diversion)
Why is everyone so "willing to sell" gold? What's the catch?
Why are there so many drug commercials?
Why are people so full of ailments requiring these drugs?
Why are our children so violent and uneducated?
Why are teachers not teaching?
Why do I care about a Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Why do I want to learn Spanish?
Why do I need the world judicial system to tell me right from wrong?
Who is the World Council of Churches?
Is Allah a false God?
I mean; each one of these is a documentary. Or.. we take the primary "root cause" for WHY the question is even asked.. and deliver the analysis of that root cause. For Example; like with Noah's Ark? The "root cause" for NLP and propaganda is to "disprove" Noah's Ark. The truth-of-it reveals a weather system on earth where trees had no rings and therefore there was no rain or seasons and therefore a flood (rain from the sky) validates Genesis and a massive weather change validates creationism. It also places truth on Genesis. We can find many myths similar to the Ark, as well as gods... yet; no matter; Noah's Ark reveals truth. (It dispels evolution as fact.)
For Example: Why do I care about a Flying Spaghetti Monster? Dawkins uses it to humiliate and marginalize Christianity. It actually has an agenda. To remove the teaching of intelligent design from our education system and leave untouched; the theory (no-wait- fact) of Evolution. So our children will look at evolution as religion eventually. Secular religion. That's the root cause for the Spaghetti Monster.
For Example: Why aren't teachers teaching? They follow a template. And they are driven by statistics, measurements, and goals set by Maslow's hierarchy of needs.. (the teacher's needs) not the students. The agenda? To dumb-down our generation and once again; destroy Christianity. I don't see any other religion under assault.
For Example: World Council of Churches. See the above example: Why aren't teachers teaching? ...
My point is... on content: (Two Methods)
ONE net-it-out bottom line on many topics with the same goal in mind: to remove all weapons of creative thinking from society so that the world may be controlled by a few elites. The declaration of dependence. or ..
TWO; drill down on a few topics and uncover enough detail to justify a paradigm shift; dissolving propaganda and sharing light to the world.
(What is to be said SHOWN) the higher the quality of the production, the better chance people will watch it. planned steady shot and proper framing ..
I say style documentary style with pictures of evidence when appropriate.. and personal interviews of people with a message of their own.
do we show everything that happens no matter what...or do we edit for content?
(Edit for content)
(I don't know)
Or, will it be real sound, or some combination of the two?
(combination of the two)
"talking head?" or will B-Roll (cutaways) be edited into the final product?
((cutaways) be edited into the final product)
Content is always captivating/ funny/satyrical and holds attention.
maintain the same style then?
(Content is always captivating/ funny/satyrica) - not heavy on the satire but yeah ..
I looked at that website.. It's cool. The URL's associated with the pictures though; sent me to this website quite often: I wasn't able to see sample video's or anything; but I know one thing: You're the right person for the mission. Far more talent, know-how, experience and resources than I.
Walt. remember when you used to paint those posters on the kitchen table with "poster paints?" You had the freedom to create what was in your heart. Let's do it again. only this time; on video and with a passion to deliver a message from our Creator for humanity. Video art, audio art, music and sound effects; all your role. Using all of it or none of it is all yours.
(Get back to me...maybe in regular e-mail (
My email is .. I like youtube mail okay - I'd prefer a forum though; in order to construct a project of this magnitude. So the notes can be saved outside of email - common to us both. I have too many eMails. And none give me the audit trail I want to keep.
I own this and can set up a private forum where only selected users can get in.
Sharing videos, links, pictures, cut and paste... it helps to have a forum to archive.
Something to think about. Set some plans. Incorporate volunteers and get some sort of video conferencing.
1) Determine theme, volume and nature of content, research and produce.
- My opinion?
I don't want to prove the Bible. I want to reveal truth in the 21st century. That in itself; reveals the Bible's relevance.
.. the mission: A thing is relevant if it serves as a means to a given purpose ..
Our world has enough gloom-and-doom Let's produce something with heavy truth on the wings of a dove.
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5