I was rotating my arms; as if I had a hoola-hoop circling each wrist. As I did this, my feet came off the ground.. and the longer I kept my arms rotating, the higher I went and the easier it was to remain airborn. I cruised forward?. I laughed. I went over heavy traffic, across the street and toward the homes on the hill. I saw some people below me and I said to them, ?Watch me! I am going to land on that house over there on the hill!?
The people below me watched as I cruised over the treetops and as I glided down on to an anonymous rooftop. I turned and smiled. I looked down for the ?hurrays? but I saw nobody watching me! This was quite disappointing. I walked to the edge of the roof and then I saw hem! They were almost directly below me and thus; couldn?t see me initially when I landed that far back on the roof! But as I moved forward, to the roof?s edge, I saw them! They saw me! They were in awe! Clapping and cheering. I laughed!
I stepped from the roof and descended toward them; hovering just above them and mingling with the crowd as I floated. As I did this, I noticed several kids in a glass box on a tower high above the street. They were tossing fire crackers at the crowd and lauging. To them, it was a fun thing to do and just a kids' prank; however, the people below were not laughing. It scared them, distracted them, annoyed them.
I rose up; ascending toward the glass box tower. As I reached this tower, I came face-to-face with one of the kids and then eye-to-eye. The only thing seperating us was this dirty glass wall. I spoke, "You'd better leave them alone!"
The kids were astonished. They thought to themselves, "How did I get up there?"
I descended downward toward the crowd once again. As I did so, I noticed a police woman, or perhaps a parking meter cop. I'm not sure, but she had a light blue shirt on and a dark blue police cap. She was a cop to whatever degree. She was waving, and signaling for me to come over to her. I did so.
She said, "You need to follow that newspaper reporter." The police woman was pointing to a woman with long brown hair and dressed in a light brown woman's business pants suit. This woman was walking briskly; away from me on the sidewalk. I could not see her face, just her long hair, straight, flowing down her back. I followed; still hovering, inches above the ground.
The woman's pace was quick, I had to speed up in order to keep up. Crossing a few intersections, she came to the door of a multi-story building in a business district and entered. I hurried, and had to suspend my floating to enter through the door. Quickly I followed her down a hallway and into a small room.
This room; pencils, a small defenseless desk or table; paper, pens, a cup, a lamp; two plain brown wooden chairs... a bed, a counter, a bathroom; this was the woman's studio apartment! She lived alone; maybe a cat, or not... dedicated; works all the time.
She turned to face me in the room. She said in a quiet voice, almost a whisper as not to allow anyone else to hear; "You have to stop. I am not going to let them publish this, but you have to stop."
I replied, "Stop what? and Publish what?"
She answered, "They think you are the anti-christ. And you need a permit to fly around like that."
"What?" I replied. "A permit? I don't need any permit to float around! It's a miracle! It's a gift! I can teach everyone to do this for free! And who thinks I'm the anti-christ?"
I knew who she was referring to; the local Newspaper publishing company; the media.
I turned and left the building. As I entered the street, I once again began to rotate my arms. I ascended slowly at first, then gained a sense of weightlessness. There was already a crowd forming beneath me.
I saw two men. One was balding, the other had a hat on, a brown-ish gray business hat. I had an object in my hand, like a childs' bib.. blue with white strips. Light-weight; large; perhaps two feet wide by two feet long; flat, plastic, smooth, clean. I was near a very large Bill Board, or neon sign... I said to the men beneath me, "Watch this!" I released the plastic object and in began to ascend-away from me; weightless on it's own. But when it drifted too far from me, it lost it's weightless properties and fell quickly; however, it landed on top of the neon sign; just out of my reach!
I lost my concentration and when I did, I fell abruptly to the sidewalk below and smacked the concrete. It didn't hurt.
But I woke up from my dream.
I don't know what it all means. I think the accension is a gift of revelation. The travels and laughing and interaction with the crowd represents sharing truth and revelation of current times. The kid's in the tower are propaganda from the snake. The police woman is a colaborer with different gifts than I; yet she has a similar mission. The newspaper journalist woman is her accomplice. At least as far as the snake is concerned I use the term "accomplice" because the two women work together in defending freedom of thought and truth for the people.
I don't know what the flat plastic bib is all about and I don't know who the two men are, (one balding and one with a business hat on) but somehow they are people I will meet in real life.
note: on accomplice .. according to the snake:
"To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (Jesus)... calumniate (spread false and harmful statements about) him?...Yes Lucifer is God..."(Albert Pike, A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maqonnene Universelle, page 588.)
March 23, 2009 pbatus
I read again after one year this dream... and as I did, I was inspired because the interpretation of the dream came to me line by line.. in -a-way ...
I began to convey with words to my wife what it meant ... however the end result of that interpretation?
"I need to use my weapons."
The dream represents a passed opportunity to visit Rome for the purposes of casting out a demon from a powerful man and allowing that man redemption. It did not happen; however, the "message" in the dream did not dissipate. It is meant for the people of the world and it rests on a Neon sign.
Hmm.. I wonder. What does the neon sign symbolize? And more importantly; what is the message?
Thursday, 8/12/2010 pbatus