A sociologist representing a European security organization says that the number of Christians killed each year for their faith is so high that it calculates to one martyr's life being taken every five minutes. Massimo Introvigne of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) reported this data at a conference on Christian-Jewish-Muslim interfaith dialogue, which concluded today in Hungary. The
conference was sponsored by the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, and included a variety of high-level ..
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Yes many Christians have done bad things but their role model Jesus did not do any of the bad things. For instance he did not do any of the following according to their scriptures and history:
Killing and torturing innocents
Carrying out genocides
Having critics assassinated
Raiding innocent communities for loot and booty
Rounding up women, distributing them among jihadis
and raping them killing innocent men and sleeping
with their widows the same night Practice pedophilia
Practice incest Practice polygamy.
Martyrdoms of Christians A.D. 33 to AD 200x
Simon Peter, Apostle: Crucified upside down in Rome, 64 A.D.
James son of Zebedee, Apostle: Beheaded in Jersalem (Palestine) 44 A.D.
John Boanerges, Apostle: Boiled in oil in Ephesus, 96 A.D.
Andrew, Apostle: Crucified in Greece, A.D. 69
Philip, Apostle: Hanged in Hierapolis Turkey, 60 A.D.
Bartholomew, Apostle: Crucified, Albana, Armenia, 68 A.D.
Matthew, Apostle: Stabbed to death in Nubia, Ethiopia, 70 A.D.
Thomas, Apostle: Speared in Mylapore, India. 82 A.D.
James, Apostle: Stoned to death in Jerusalem (Palestine) 54 A.D.
Judas Thaddeus, Apostle: Clubbed to death in Ardaze, Turkey in 66 A.D.
Simon Zelotes, Apostle: Crucified in Suanir, Iran. 61 A.D.
Judas Iscariot, Apostle: Suicide in Jersalem, (Palestine) in 33 A.D.
Matthius, Apostle: Burned to death, Axum Ethiopia, A.D.64
Paul, Saul of Tarsus, Apostle: Beheaded in Rome. 64 A.D.
Barnabas, Apostle: Stones to death in Rome. 61 A.D.
Mark, Apostle: Trampled to death in Alexandria, Egypt. 68 A.D.
James the Just, Apostle: Stones to death in Jersalem (Palestine) 62 A.D.
Luke the Good Physician, Apostle: Hanged in Rome. A.D. 91
Timothy, Apostle: Beheaded in Ephesus, Turkey. A.D. 90
Christianity; persecuted
All Christians; martyred 69,420,000 since A.D. 33 to present, 2011 (69.4 million)
Human race: Born; 36,673,000,000 since A.D. 33 to present, 2011 (36.7 billion)
All Christians; 8,344,000,000 since A.D. 33 to present, 2011 (8.3 billion)
33% of the human race have been Christians.
45,400,000 (45.4 million) Christians of (69.4 million) have been killed and martyred from the year 1900 A.D. to 2000 A.D..
Christians by Country:
Silverball"Open Doors" was Founded by Brother Andrew ("God's Smuggler").
Top Ten Worst Persecutors of Christians by Country:
1. North Korea
2. Saudi Arabia
3. Iran
4. Afghanistan
5. Somalia
6. Maldives
7. Yemen
8. Laos
9. Eritrea
10. Uzbekistan
Martyrdom in the world religions since each's origin:
Islam: 80 million killed
Christianity: 70 million killed
Hinduism: 20 million killed
Buddhism: 10 million killed
Judaism: 9 million killed
Ethnoreligions: 6 million killed
Sikhism: 2 million killed
Baha'i: 1 million killed
Other religions: 5 million killed
All religions: 203 million killed
The English word "martyr" is derived from the Greek word "martys, which carries the meaning "a witness to the resurrection of Christ". This witness resulted often in
death. By the end of the first century A.D., "martys" had come to mean a Christian who witnessed to Christ by his or her death. It has become the accepted norm
throughout church history.
The demographics of Christian martyrdom, AD 33-AD 2001
Foxe's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe, William Byron Forbush
The Roman Colosseum
The Second Church and the Second Age 100-312 A.D.
? Third Persecution 98-117 A.D. to the Tenth Persecution ? 284-305 A.D.
Tears of Jihad
Worldwide Persecution of Christians:
Persecution of Christians
Caravaggio-Crucifixion of Peter