I wrote what I saw you said what you saw.
Three times. Three times. Always three times..
Let me net-it-out before you read this testimony. What I saw represents the battle in principal of evil against good; and how good is victorious. This is a validation on the sermon preached that day. This is how the fruit of our labor is treated by our common enemy.
You were speaking of fruits. You said how we want to be in Christ. We want to be with Him and worship Him. You mentioned how a generation rejected Him. Isaiah 53:1 and 8. You talked about our fruits. A tithe offering of ten percent; how that tithe is returned to us in some form of magnified blessing. You mentioned we cannot take pride in a monetary blessing based upon a monetary tithe; that the old testament tithe was ten percent; and the new testament? ..To follow the tithe in the new testament, we should "give it all." Perhaps we are not ready to give it all up for a pentecost?
In church you were speaking of fruits today, which is Sunday. I recall from Friday night, the guest speaker who came here (flew in from Denver) just for us. He spoke. He saw. He said.., "I see a crowd, a congregation; full of fruit; some, ..heavy laden."
He went on to say, "You have an inspired pastor. Two of them. Don't ever take them for granted... They have a unique DNA and they sing an inspired song."
I say, the DNA of this church is a "portal to God" that all who come here may be touched by Him..; just as it says on the church brochure, "Expect God's Power to touch you!"
And a young man sang in church today after a testimony. I do not remember his name (apologies) yet, his testimony and song was so refreshing to hear. To give it; (here) is on him. I invite him to share it here on this website; if I ever get the chance to talk with him personally.
This church is a portal to God. Today, You spoke about fruits; first fruits, and our fruits. You prophesied over Debra Winans and you prophesied about fruits.
I saw, while you were preaching... you talked about the fruits of the congregation, and how we should labor for our brothers in words, and actions and deeds; that this is our fruit. As you were speaking, I saw a picture behind you. It was like the arm of an octopus. And at the tip it was like a whip. The handle of this octopus whip was in the hand of a very large creature. A devil. Almost in slow motion, he would raise back his arm and sling the octopus whip forward; towards you.
In front of you and around you were small round plants, buds, like brussel sprouts... I found a picture. They looked kind of like this; however they were scattered all over the ground..not in the church but in a different place and time. This picture does not do justice to what I saw, but they did look like this.
The octopus whip was slung by the demon, and the tip; when it unrolled, would lash out and "snap" one of the fruits and pop it... Then the motion was repeated. Another flip of the octopus whip and another fruit popped at the tip. Another flip by the demon of the octopus whip and the tip would destroy with a "pop"; another fruit from the whip destroyed.
You were still preaching about the fruits of God's people. I became annoyed. I didn't want to see this picture. It represents the fruit of our labors not in vain, but destroyed; one by one as quickly as we produced them, they would be popped by the whip and destroyed. I wanted this picture to end but it would not. I was quite disturbed.
Then you changed gears. You talked about the "grafting" of a tree; and about the process; how a branch is taken and connected to the tree; that it may receive nourishment from the roots.
You talked about Jesus and what he has done. And you called out with a sigh, or a gasp, or a cry, or something, and said to DeLana, "woo hoo!" or something. Because you were on to something beyond your written script. You were talking about Jesus and how he suffered for us. And how he was jabbed in the side with the spear of a Roman and that not only blood came out,, but water....." And so we are grafted to Jesus and therefore we have His fruits rewarded to us in spirit.
And as you continued to speak I saw this demon again. And again he was whipping the fruits on the ground as soon as they appeared, he would whip them to destroy them - yet; something was different. There was one fruit; the same size as the rest, except it was luminescent. It radiated a beautiful glow, like a polished mirror. And this fruit, when the demon struck it with the octopus whip; it did not scar, it did not pop, it was not moved; it was not harmed. And the demon kept striking it, and whipping it, and striking it and the fruit did not move; and the fruit remained perfect!
I cried. And you know why.. That was Jesus.
And after that I was relieved. Because the picture ended on a good note. Deliverance!
Now you went on with your sermon and I was content . I could have gone home at that point. I needed no more. I was fed. Always leave with a good ending...... Time to snooze..... (not so)
Debra Winans spoke to the church. She has a powerful testimony. I want to read her book. I purchased it. She has an incredible story to share.
Now time went on and you (pastor) concluded the sermon; so-to-speak. My wife, Tonya invited some friends of hers, (and mine) Shay and Johnny and their three children. So they came to church with us, they were right next to us. I was waiting for an alter call; I thought they might want to go up there.... but no alter call came. And then you said, "Debra, come up here, I want to prophesy."
And you did. You began to say how she would do wonders for people; with her message she would have power, and many people would be blessed. And you said, "I see a lighthouse, and it swirls around and around and everywhere it swirls it brings light from darkness and this is you, Debra and the fruits that you share..."
And as you spoke I wondered if what you were saying was true, or not. Whether it was your words, or God's. And so I had doubt; suspicion, perhaps even jealousy; I don't know for sure, but these were my thoughts as you spoke and prophesied to Debra.
But then I saw the lighthouse. I saw the image. Debra was behind a column, so I could not see her.. but I did see her arm, and the palm of her hand, raised. And I could see you (pastor) and you continued to prophesy; and I could see the lighthouse surrounding both of you. And I saw many many fruits scattered around... More than one hundred within my view... and there was no enemy. There was only healthy fruit; and the numbers were growing.... and that represented the souls who would be given light from darkness by the message of Debra.
I recalled a comment by Delana. "The church may not be ready for you (Debra) but the world is..."
I cried again....
I wrote what I saw and you said what you saw.
Three times. Three times. Always three times.
I thank this church for without you, and my wife, I would not live.. and so, your love has nourished me back to health... I am a mere brussel sprout, but God can make Oak out of nothing.
way-afterthought - a lighthouse portal (3WC)
A Lighthouse. Reflections on inspiration from various human beings on planet Earth during a time where worship was underway and heading skyward in a country called America.. on a day when the sun was shining on Atlanta.. and also on some people near there who were singing in a service at a church and the Son was shining on them.
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5