The "Bottom-line" at the top of the page:
The purpose of all of these causes are to prove that "certain men" are just gods. Whereas; the spiritual war humanity resists to acknowledge, is a demonstration (by) all men that God is a just God.
Q. What do all these causes have in common?
... such as promoting mass immigration into the United States; financing anti-gun lawsuits and lobbyists; demanding voting rights for felons; seeking the abolition of capital punishment; exacerbating Palestinian unrest; promoting abortion; feminism; population control; gay liberation; euthanasia; radical theories of education; marijuana legalization and global government.
Do the above causes sound familiar to you?
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Pros and Cons on those causes:
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A. traditional opposition
What do all these causes create? Division in America.
The only race who successfully resisted the Jesuit Order is the White, Anglo-Celtic, Saxon race, with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other. And so they?ve got to take the Bible away, they?ve got to take the gun away, and they?ve got to destroy that race. And that?s what they are essentially doing here. I know that?s a racist statement, but I?m sorry, it?s just the way it is. That?s history, and that?s what they?re doing. Eric Phelps, 2000 A.D. Phelps, 2000 A.D. Phelps Interview
Mirror Mirror on the wall ..
"Obama .. uttered his infamous words about these voters "clinging" to guns, religion, abortion, and fears about free trade .. " San Francisco Speech Sept. 2009 A.D.
Some current actions on those causes.
Mass immigration into the USA:
Immigrants differ on their political views; however, the Democratic Party is considered to be in a far stronger position among immigrants overall.
Upside down legislation: Heather MacDonald at the Manhattan Institute in a 2004 article argued that sanctuary policies has caused large problems with crime by illegal aliens since the police cannot report them for deportation before a felony or a series of misdemeanors takes place. In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide are for illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens. 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California were illegal aliens in a 1995 report.
Financing anti-gun lawsuits and lobbyist:
n 2001, Handgun Control, Inc. changed its name to Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The organization originated (1974) as the National Council to Control Handguns (NCCH), a group which lobbied for government restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms through support for restrictions on the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer, and civilian possession of handguns. The organization voiced a desire for an eventual handgun ban through gradual steps, but changed its name and espoused goals due to results of a survey. In 1991, then HCI amended its Articles of Incorporation to reflect its support of restrictions on rifles and shotguns as well.
Demanding voting rights for felons:
"The criminal justice system targets young people," says Maggie Williams, Project Director of the Voter Enfranchisement Project in the Bronx, NY, Public Defender's Office. "They are the ones that get picked up. They are the ones getting arrested. A lot of young people feel like there is more of a chance that they are going to end up in prison than that they are going to complete high school."
Felon voting rights In the early American political system, the right to vote was reserved for white males over the age of 21 who owned land. In 1920, after the passage of the 19th Amendment, it was extended to women nationwide. The right to vote was technically extended to African-Americans in 1868 with the passage of the 14th Amendment and effectively enforced with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 1971, Congress lowered the legal voting age to 18. Yet, in all but two states, citizens with felony convictions are prohibited from voting either permanently or temporarily. The United States is the only country that permits permanent disenfranchisement of felons even after completion of their sentences.
Seeking the abolition of capital punishment:
The ACLU played a key role in coordinating efforts to get the bill adopted ? and will continue in that role, Schneider pledged. ?We view this as a momentary setback in our campaign,? he said. ?A recent Quinnipiac poll revealed that the public is misinformed about capital punishment. A whole quarter of respondents believed incorrectly that the death penalty is a deterrent and another 25 percent wrongly believed it cost less than life in prison without release. An education campaign is exactly what is needed to prevail on this issue.
Exacerbating Palestinian unrest:
What is Jerusalem's importance to Palestinians? Jerusalem is considered holy to all three monotheistic faiths and both Palestinian Christians and Muslims revere the city as such. Jerusalem is also the historic economic and cultural center of Palestinian life and has been for centuries. For this reason East Jerusalem is seen as the natural and proposed site for the capital of the future Palestinian state.
Putting the shadows in the sunshine.
Palestinian unrest:
What is the U.S. position on Israeli actions in Jerusalem? American policy has consistently stated that Israeli settlement construction in occupied East Jerusalem should stop. Despite this, Israeli settlement of Jerusalem has continued unabated for decades. On March 9th, when Israel announced plans to build 1,600 new Jewish homes in East Jerusalem during a visit by Vice President Biden, diplomatic tensions arose between the U.S. and Israel. According to State Department Spokesperson Philip Crowley, Secretary of State Clinton informed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that "the United States considered the announcement a deeply negative signal that "undermined trust and confidence in the peace process and in America's interests."
Some additional worthy goals with an agenda-over-time causing division and domesticating a nation:
Promoting abortion: Achieves Population Control
Promoting Feminism: Achieves Population Control (Club of Rome 2015 plan_
Population control: Prevents world starvation.
Gay liberation: Achieves Population Control
Euthanasia: Achieves Population Control
Radical theories of education: Domesticates men.
Marijuana legalization: Domesticates men.
Global government: Achieves god status for a few.
Thoughts: That's what Nimrod tried to do. What ever happened to the tower of Babel? and why?
Shadow Party methods: Package a popular concern or idea. Sell it. Enlist support. Then gradually expand the cause to accomplish shadow goals.
Creeping Comprimise - it's like mission creep - and the most deceptive social engineer will use it.
For example:
Mission creep is the expansion of a project or mission beyond its original goals, often after initial successes.
Putting the shadows in the sunshine.
Mission creep is usually considered undesirable due to the dangerous path of each success breeding more ambitious attempts, only stopping when a final, often catastrophic, failure occurs. The term was originally applied exclusively to military operations, but has recently been applied to many different fields.
The phrase first appeared in articles concerning the UN Peacekeeping mission during the Somali Civil War in the Washington Post on April 15, 1993 and in the New York Times on October 10, 1993.
Libyan Civil War
The phrase has been used again frequently with regard to the multi-state coalition's intervention in the 2011 Libyan Civil War. It appeared as early as March 7, 2011, when a Reuters article wrote that Britain's vision of a no-fly zone over the country would be "likely to experience "mission creep" and move closer to U.S. thinking on the need to target (Libyan leader) Gaddafi's defenses".[3] On March 31, 2011, with the campaign in its second week, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told a Senate hearing that "I am preoccupied with avoiding mission creep and avoiding having an open-ended, very large-scale American commitment in this respect".[4] A joint article written by the leaders of the United Kingdom, United States and France that appeared on April 14, 2011 stated that Gaddafi "must go, and for good". Some British MPs warned that this statement represented mission creep, as it exceeded the parameters of UN Resolution 1973, which stressed humanitarian objectives and did not include regime change as a stated goal.[5]
Retroactive applications of the term
An earlier example of mission creep, apparently from before the term was first used, is the Korean War.[6] It began as an attempt to save South Korea from invasion by the North, but after that initial success expanded to an attempt to reunite the peninsula, a goal that eventually proved unattainable. That attempt resulted in a long and costly retreat through North Korea after the intervention of the Chinese.[7] NBC reporter David Gregory has cited the Vietnam War as an important example of mission creep, defining it as "the idea of, you know, gradually surging up forces, having nation-building goals, and running into challenges all along the way."[8]
Although the term mission creep is relatively new, examples can be observed throughout military history. For instance, many of the wars of Louis XIV's France began with small limited goals, but quickly escalated to much larger affairs.
Non-military examples
Another example of a non-military use of the term mission creep is in connection with "fusion centers." Fusion centers have been created as a counter-terrorism measure in the wake of 9/11 via the Department of Homeland Security. Essentially, fusion centers involve the collaboration and sharing of information across various levels of government and private sector entities connected with Americas's critical infrastructures. There are currently, as of 2011, 72 fusion centers in the U.S. A criticism of fusion centers is mission creep in which information being shared begins to include crimes other than terrorism that increases the risk that fusion centers may violate the civil rights of American citizens.[9]