FREEDOM OF THOUGHT - prerequisite to Freedom of Choice
In a dream; I saw a moth.. it was near a cesspool? I knew it would die alone?
.. I didn?t want to, but I reached down with my finger and coaxed it onto my finger.. It jumped into the cesspool again!
.. I didn?t want to, but I dipped my finger in the cesspool again to save the moth.. he was drowning in the stanky water! So .. he climbed up on my finger again with his little shaking legs.. then, with the moth on my finger, I went quickly to unlock the front door so as to release the moth to freedom? (ooops; I guess you?ve figured out that the cesspool in this true story was located in the bathroom) ?
.. Now while I was unlocking the front door, the moth flew from my finger! Back inside towards the cesspool! I could not catch it again; to set it free and release it outside.
So.. I knew, it would die alone? And I knew? hmmn? It?s wild?
(Is that how God see?s me?) wild? unpredictable? and can I be released? or tamed?
Just how hard is it for God to reach into the cesspool of this world and draw me out?
or should I say, "just how stubborn am I?"
I wanted to test God.. well.. a promise of His. All the pastors in all the churches in all the world in all the universes (I've only been to this one-universe) that I know of.... All say the same thing..
If you tithe and give more, See if God does not bless you because of it!
So I wrote out a check for $50.00 (big spender) with idea to "test" this promise.....
I had ordered some business cards, and when I went to pick them up, they had forgotten to capitalize a word.... The card was supposed to say, Let Your Voice Be Heard.
What it actually said? Let Your voice Be Heard.
One Thousand cards! ALL WRONG.... I showed this to the card clerk behind the counter... "umm.. Excuse me, sir. This isn't right...."
Well, the store gave me the 1,000 cards for free, and promised to reprint another thousand.....
How much were the cards worth? -->over $50.00
hmmm ..... that was just coincidence... no?
Praise to God!