In a perfect world; almost every political idea, program, legislation, or set of rules would work. However, corruption, rebellion, opposition, lack-of cooperation, and or opposing actions usually dismantles any chances of success.
In a perfect world, here's how we make wealth distribution work. Even in an imperfect world, this can run fairly efficiently...
Have a punch card. Actually, a "print card". Finger print; that is. Yet, consider it like a punch card. Every citizen is given a print card. The requirement is that you use it once a day, unless you purchase nothing. Because; the purchasing power of your wealth is invalid until re-activate (or wake-up) the card.
Here's how it works: Let's say I have a total cash value of $100,000 dollars in my bank account. And let's say I want to purchase breakfast at a local restaurant.. First, I have to re-activate my account. (wake-it-up) The way I do that is by approaching someone else. Anyone else. As long as they are a citizen. Because they too will have a punch card.. or a "print card". A finger print of another is required to wake-it-up. "Excuse me, Kind-sir. I need your finger print to wake up my card; please."
Once that kind-sir touches my card.. the magic of wealth distribution takes over because it's all automated.
Let's say that the "kind-sir" who touched my card has $50,000 dollars in his bank account. The automated wake-up call would transfer $25,000 from my account (of $100,000 formerly) to the account of the kind-sir, (which went from $50,000 to $75,000) so my account moved $25k to him; in-effect, redistributing wealth. So we now both have $75,000.
My print card is now re-activated and I can buy breakfast.
While I am enjoying my breakfast at the restaurant, a lady comes in with the same thought in mind. It's her first purchase of the day, so she needs to wake-up her print card. She promptly walks over to my table and politely asks if I would touch her card; to wake it up. I do so, and wa'la':) our accounts have been equalized. She (had) $200,000 in her account while I (had) $75,000 in mine. (A difference of $125,000) So, 1/2 of this difference gets re-disributed to me. ($62,500) So; she now has $137,500 in her account and I now have $137,500 in my account.
Now my account has be re-activated. So.. I'm not required to do this again until tomorrow. (Activation lasts for 24 hours.) However, it's always polite to touch the cards of others when they ask.
Now.. later in the day, I am walking down the street; just enjoying the afternoon. I look over at the park and there's a guy sitting on a park bench. He's drinking a bottle of wine. He's unshaven, and he stinks. (hmm.. a wine'o)
What's a "wine'o"? Oh .. nada-druggy-an-alchee'.
Ok, so in a perfect world. I walk over to this guy. "hey buddy. How's it going?"
He replies, "I need another bottle of wine." and he holds out his print card.
placecard video
With compassion, I touch his card with my finger. The fingerprint automation takes over the process and performs wealth redistribution between the wine'o and me.
He (had) $10.00 in his account. I (had) $137,500 in my account. Now .. end result? We now both have $68,755 in our accounts. So the wine'o staggers off to buy another bottle of wine and I stagger off, after donating $62k to a wine'o. That's perfect wealth redistribution. If everyone did that everyday, there would be no poor people, no hungry people, no need to rob others or steal and far-less crime and pain.
The rich would still be rich and the poor would be rich too.
But that's in a perfect world.
The problem with this is that honesty is required. If everyone had $100k in their bank accounts, there would be less incentive to "work" and that's a problem.. Almost half of the people who live in my country, (adults) that is... currently work. The other half either lives off forced donations, or are so rich they don't have to work.. they just consume. And that consumption by the rich is considered thoughtful, valiant, compassionate and honorable because; they're "giving back" to the poor little people. (OH HOW so noble.)
One could single out rich dude's to have them "touch their card" then run and make-a-huge purchase.. (like buying a house or something) .. then .. simply run off to locate another rich person and have "them" touch their card again ... redistributing more wealth.
So ya ... this would only work if the society practicing it is an honest one.
That's why there are churches and dictators. And that's why there are poor people. I guess that old saying, "..the love of money is the root of all evil.." is so true.. Who said that anyway? Was it Nixon?
1 Timothy 6:10 (King James Version) "For the love of money is the root of all evil.."
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Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Holy Bible, Matthew 5:5